7 Days Tracking Jewelry

Whether it’s living a healthier life, changing a habit or sharing kindness, 7 Days Jewelry helps you believe, track and achieve your goals, one day at a time.

7 days logo


7 days logo
7 days logo

How To Use

Simply move the charm over one bead for each day that you reach your goal.

Benefits of tracking goals

Boosting self-esteem and mood • Staying motivated • Reducing stress


Setting your sights on gratitude can put some happy in your heart.

Write in a daily gratitude journal

Send notes to those you are thankful for

Be present in the good moments


Offering kindness to others can give them a lift when they need it.

Lend a listening ear

Give goodies to a friend

Do something nice for a stranger


Chat, catch up and connect with friends and family, near and far.

Text or call someone out of the blue

Pay a visit to a loved one

Send snail mail to a friend


Bringing mindfulness into your life can create a calming sense of peace.

Set aside quiet time each day

Download a meditation app

Attend a yoga class

healthy living

Eating right and active living can lead to a better quality of life.

Find a daily exercise you love

Cook fresh meals at home

Spend time in the sunshine


Moving toward your fitness goals gets your mind and body in tip-top shape.

Take at least 10,000 steps a day

Join a local gym or yoga studio

Go on a daily walk with a friend

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